Monday’s Maven

January 24th, 2011 in Monday's Maven

Monday’s Maven

according to kelly

Full Name: Kelly

kids: Three boys & a girl: Gavin (5), Owen (4) & Charlie (20 months)

Location: totally-beautiful, always-perfect Orange County, CA. What’s not to love? I live 15 minutes (or less) from the beach, Disneyland, awesome parks, incredible shopping, fantastic musesums & the most amazing sunrises ever.

orange county sunrise

One Word that Describes You: hmmm. This is hard! not-so-super-mom? naturally-blonde? totally-awesome? sparkle-skirt-wearing? hot-gun-challenged? wannabe-triathlete? cupcake-baker-extraordinaire? snowboarding-snowmama? dr.pepper-lipsmacker-lover?

What makes you smile? Racing in my sparkle skirt.

Team Sparkle

What is one of your dreams you hope to accomplish soon? Complete a 1/2 Ironman & one day qualify (& run) the Boston Marathon

One of Your favorite motherhood moments? Watching my kids fall in love with my favorite hobbies. It’s like discovering snowboarding, bike riding, running, traveling & Disneyland all over again – just through their eyes.

What is your guilty pleasure? A LARGE cup, filled to the rim with crushed ice, topped off with a little Cherry Coke or Dr. Pepper. Or, Disneyland on a slow day.

What do you love most about you?I don’t believe in words like impossible or can’t.

Favorite Hobby? It’s impossible to pick just one hobby. I’m a self-described cherry coke drinking, crushed ice loving, world-traveling, bike riding, apron wearing, snowboarding, fabric obsessed, marathon training, sparkle skirt wearing, surprisingly shy triathlete, Disneyland loving, REAL orange county housewife & mama of 3, with ADD crafting tendencies & an MBA degree… definitely a “renaissance woman” wouldn’t you say?

Who is your hero?My Mom. She is my confidant, my mentor, my biggest fan, my best friend & most definitely “an angel among us.”

When you wrote your Post “New Year’s Resolute-Nots” a Few weeks ago you mentioned one of them was, “i will not pretend i’m supermom.” Why do you think that is an important resolute “not” for you and might be for other moms too?

I hate to shatter any images you might have had of me, but I’m not perfect & I am far from being super mom. I’m the first to admit that being a mom is hard, hard work. but luckily, “we’re all in this together.” Sure, it might be a line from a cheesy Disney movie (which I love btw, bring on the cheese baby!). But… cheesey or not, the words definitely ring true. it’s kinda like our very own, very special mom anthem:

Everyone (every mom) is special in their own way
We make each other strong
We’re not the same
We’re different in a good way
Together’s where we belongWe’re all in this together
Once we know
That we are
We’re all stars
And we see that
We’re all in this together

I LOVE that… “we’re all in this together!” Suddenly I don’t feel so alone. because, often times, that’s exactly how I feel – alone. When you are deep in the throws of motherhood, it’s easy to think that you’re all alone, that no one has ever felt this way before, or would understand what you’re going through. But luckily, this isn’t true. Mothers all over the world, at this exact moment, are having the exact same feelings & emotions. Together we can share our experiences & frustrations, our disappointments & joys, and together “we make each other strong.”

In the end, all I can hope for, all anyone can hope for, is to do my best & follow Mr. Lincoln’s advice: “Whatever you are, be a good one.” So, I might not be super mom, & might be far from perfect. but, in the end, at least I know (& hopefully one day my kids will know) that I am always, always doing my best. & That’s what’s really important.

Note from Vanessa: I KNOW she is purtey awesome huh? One of my absolute favorites out there 🙂

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