Valentines Day Felt Board Story

March 9th, 2012 in Books/Reading, Crafts

You guys, it is hard to find a cute Valentines Day felt board story out there. I looked forever to find one to use at Abby’s kintergarden party. Finally I found one and made felt pieces to go along with it:

Here is the story that goes along with it:

The Valentine Tree
I know a very special tree
That lives among the pines.
It has no leaves upon its boughs,
It just grows valentines.

It grows some pretty red ones,
And others that are blue,
It grows some fancy lace ones
With flowers on them, too.

It grows some little pink ones
And great big ones of green.
It grows the nicest valentines
That I have ever seen.

One day, I walked up to it
And shook that special tree.
Down fell a valentine
Especially for me!
-Adapted by Jean Warren from a story by Marion Schoeberlein

So there ya go, hopefully the rest of you out there googling for a Valentines Day felt board story found my site and now you have the perfect one!


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