A day in the life

April 11th, 2012 in About Me, Beauty in Everyday

Kara posted a “Day in the life” over at Simple Kids and I found it so interesting! It just is fascinating to me to read how her day played out, what they accomplished, what set them back, what they cooked, did with her kids, etc.

Today has been quite a run of the mill sort of day so I thought it would be perfect to do my own ” A day in the life”…

Morning Time: 3 Little Girls on My Doorstep

7:28 I wake up to Tyler’s tapping away on his laptop, he already has been working for a couple of hours and Mentalist is on in the background. The man has to have many things going on in the background when he is doing “busy computer work” so watching some of his favorite shows helps him get through it. I realize I have slept in but give myself a free pass because I am pregnant and just finished up 5 very busy and full days of Spring Break. Spring Break, I think to myself and how I can’t wait until I am homeschooling next year and can have all my babies with me all day long.

7:32 Cameron is awake, she loves to try to “surprise” me, sometimes I will hear her soft pitter patter of feet running down our long tile hallway. Then before she turns the corner or comes up to my side of the bed I will sweetly say, “Oh how I wish my Poki was awake” which makes her giggle and say, “MOM, it’s me, I am here!” I hurry and grab some ice water to try and fight away the first round of nausea while we run to wake up Shae. Shae LOVES that every morning I bust open her bedroom door, jump up and down, and squeal, “Shae! Shae! It’s Shae”, scoop her up and cover her in kisses.

7:35 I hear Abby stretching and yawning, she has been sleeping in for a couple of weeks, which is very un like her. Usually she is awake at 6:30 to help me get ready for the day and wake up. Then Cameron and Shae will wake up at 7:30, but not lately, she must be going through a growth spurt. Both of my girls fall asleep reading and sometimes Abby will have slept the whole night through with her pretend glasses on.

7:30 My girls always wake up starving and need breakfast right away. Luckily this morning we still have the cinnamon roll bunny that my Mom had surprised us with on Easter and some milk. My girls only drink milk for breakfast and I pour Shae a big cup of coconut milk (her belly doesn’t like dairy). Cameron is saying the prayer but finds it stressful and we avoid a meltdown by just letting her thank Jesus and Heavenly Father for her toys and nothing else. Abby grabs the scriptures, we are reading the Old Testament right now and I read everyone the story with the walls of Jericho.

7:45 While the girls finish eating and while I am still sipping my ice water I work on their daily morning “to do” lists. We only have a short morning at home so I just have them make their beds, clean their room, brush teeth, get dressed, pack a backpack with fun things to do during my church meeting and one household chore. Shae is starting to get fussy in her high chair, she will jolt her body front and back as fast as she can so her high chair on wheels can swing back. I get her out and let her play with her toys on the floor.

7:50 Usually I plan my whole week, meal plan, grocery list and to do lists on Sunday afternoon but since our Spring Break had ended just the day before and Easter was busy it lands on this morning. I also have to add a to do list for the housecleaner (just having someone come deep clean since I am so behind on being sick, I haven’t had a weekly housecleaner for over a year now), to do list for my brother who is coming to watch all of our dogs & chickens this weekend, to do list for my Mother who is watching the kids for a couple of days and a to do list for my sister who is coming while we are gone to help me organize all my closets. After I write my to do lists I am feeling very overwhelmed, I have a lot to do in 2 days, including Shae’s first birthday party.

8:10 I notice the girl’s are just sitting on their floor, they have been distracted by reading books and have stopped doing their chores. Already feeling overwhelmed and wound up after writing my to do lists I do not start off asking patiently for them to get back to work. I start off frustrated which leads to Cameron crying (she doesn’t like to be pushed) and Abby starting to snap. I quickly change my voice and ask again this time nicer. Which helps but I wish I would have not snapped and caused Cameron to be upset in the first place. It can set a tone for the whole day with her if I am not careful.

8: 20 I run into my bedroom while my husband is on a phone call with the man who runs his St. George branch of his dog training business. Shae helps me fold the mountain of clothes I have left by my bed undone the night before. Cameron and Abby try to come in a few times to ask questions about their to do list but I have to shoo them out so they don’t interrupt the call. This is a time where working from home must be hard for my husband and him not having an office (because of baby #3 and moving him out to have a bedroom office) must be frustrating to him. He has a slow week appointment wise so is getting a lot of busy computer work done. I reassure him that we will be leaving in a few minutes and the house will be quiet for a couple of hours.

8: 45 Everyone is dressed, luckily I still fit into my regular jeans because all of my dresses for my growing belly are wrinkly. Because I had put off the laundry till this morning and now will have to iron them all.

9:15 For some reason it takes forever for us to brush our hair, get our shoes on, have a diaper change for us to make it to the car to be in time for my church meeting. This is why I always start the “get in the car routine” so early, I have a obssesion with being on time so I know this has to happen for us to get to where we need to go.

9:20 I get a call that the meeting will be starting late after I already have left so we swing by the bank, there are always checks to be deposited, forms to fill out, things to check on, payroll to be done at the bank, for our business. Then my belly is finally starting to feel better and hungry so I pick up my way-too-often-ordered sausage & cheese on croissant from Kneaders. I also pick up a yogurt and fruit smoothie for the girls to split. Shae is starting to get feisty in the car so I hand her some of my croissant. I look around my car and am disgusted, I had just gotten this detailed and it is trashed! I have such a hard time keeping my car clean and clutter free. I completely don’t notice that I am driving around on empty gas, something my husband begs me not to do.

On With the Day: Singing a Sweet Song

9:40 Our church meeting begins, every month we have a Primary Presidency meeting to talk about things that need work and attention. It is always so much, but understandably so.

11:15 I leave with a longer to do list after adding things to it at our meeting, feeling a bit more stressed but have peace in knowing it is for something very important. I drive home thinking and worrying on how to get the Primary children to be more reverent, a consistent theme/worry in our presidency meetings.

11:30 It is lunch time so Abby can make it to school on time, I am sad to have her go back to school, again I can’t wait for next year. Luckily it is leftover day and we have some turkey & veggie sandwiches leftover from our family picnic up in the canyon the night before. Shae doesn’t eat much, is very flushed and throwing everything on the floor. She had missed her morning nap because of the meeting and had filled herself on other baby’s random crackers.

11:50 Abby goes to the bathroom at least 5 times, she is terrified of “having a problem” at school (which is only 3 hours long) so every day she goes to the bathroom over and over again. I re-do her hair, I can never seem to get my girl’s hair to stay in place or even look like I brushed it.

12:10 Carpool is here , Abby is out the door and I miss giving her a goodbye hug because she was in the bathroom going once again. I put Shae in her bed, she is exhausted. I take 10 minutes to lie on the couch and scroll through instagram on my phone.

12:20 I have gained some energy during this 2nd trimester and decide that Cameron and I will clean and organize the house instead of resting and doing preschool. We head upstairs to the dreaded….playroom…which I have been ignoring for at least two weeks. Cameron helps me gather all the toys, get down the bins and start putting everything in the correct places.

1:20 We are one hour into cleaning and I stop to take a picture of the crazy mess that is left and post it on instagram. Then we keep on going and decide to do a deeper clean so the playroom can also be a guest room for our mother in law who is coming in a couple of weeks. Cameron and I have a long conversation about which Grandma, the one with the black hair or blonde hair? The one that lives in Utah or California? And going over their last names, I think she ends up still confused at which Grandma is coming to stay.

2:25 We are finally done with the playroom and head downstairs to say hi to Dad who just got back from a hike up in the canyon with some dogs he is training, exercising at the gym, swimming some laps, and who now is back typing away on his computer. Then we start working on organizing our DVD/game/art supply closet. Cameron is being such a big helper and we are getting lots done. I love listening to her sweet voice talking away as we work. Someone is calling me on my cell phone, a few people actually, but once again my phone is frozen and I can’t get to any of the calls.

2:40 Shae is waking up and I am asking Tyler if any business errands need to be run while I am out getting some groceries. I hurry and call Staples to check on a copy order for the business while picking up Shae.

2:55 Instead of our usual walk we drive to go pick up Abby so we can get some errands done afterwards.

3:05 Abby is out of school, every single day she is excited to see me. We hold hands the whole way to the car while I ask her to tell me 3 things that happened at school. She is very excited to tell me about her very first field trip next week–to the zoo. I listen and think in my head I hope I can go because I don’t want her being watched by a random adult I do not know. I have to figure out a way to attend.

3:15 We run all of our errands and I am thankful for kids that are really quite good out in public but try to be patient when they always pick on each other when getting in the car. I send Tyler a message telling him what present the girls picked out for Shae, for her 1st birthday. And how they knew it was the one because when we were walking down the aisle she starting screaming her, “I WANT!!” scream. I promise him it is the only toy she is getting for her birthday because after two older sisters, our house is already packed full.

Late Afternoon/Dinner Time: Every Little Thing Gonna Be Alright

4:30 We get back from running errands and all of the sudden my body is really hurting and I am feeling very sick. I get out the “summer bag” from the closet and plop it on the lawn. Telling the girls to go wild. I bring Shae inside and she plays on the floor right in front of my face while I lie down to rest and play on my phone. Mindlessly checking twitter, facebook, reading a couple of blog posts. Tyler is asking me questions about videos and where I stored them from the other room. I just want quiet and mumble for him to let me be for awhile.

5:00 I have left the big front window open so I can hear the girls and they can ask me questions through the window. I untangle cords, bring water out, and tell the girls that their friend who came over to play can only play outside with them.

5:30 I get myself up to prepare dinner. I roll out the homemade tortilla dough balls that were made a couple of days before and were stored in tupperware in the fridge. Heat up some beans for just some quick bean quesdillas. I have not spent much time cooking today at all and the girls have had leftover Easter candy for their snacks, not the most healthy eating day over here.

5:45 We sit together as a family for dinner, say a prayer and dig in. The food does not make me feel sick and I start to feel better.

Winding Down: Three Little Birds Winding Down

6:00 The girls haven’t played any games on the computer or watched any TV so I tell them we can just have a relaxing night and watch a movie. As they do I am picking up Shae’s room and cuddling with her. Before I do that Tyler and I talk about how he has sold another DVD program off his website (it’s a brand new product) and that it feels so nice. We talk about moving to Costa Rica, business #s and goals. It feels nice to be moving onto a new stage of our lives. Shae and I try to play with photo booth to make her stay awake a bit longer but she isn’t finding it that funny. Also I realize in all the pictures I am needing some sprucing up, glad that tomorrow I am going to get my hair all fixed.

7:00 Shae is tired so I put her to bed and start writing this post. She drifts to sleep using her bunny as her pillow, I can’t believe in two days she will be one! And that in the first week of September I will be bringing her a little sibling.

7:30 I send the girls to bed and tell them to pick out a book I can read to them when I come in to tuck them in and am done writing this.

7:45 We read a bit of Little House in the Big Woods and I tuck the girls in. In the book we are talking about how their winters are like and I wonder how they did it back then, talk about REAL cabin fever.

8:00 I take time to pick up the house, my brother is coming over tomorrow to watch the girls so I can go get my hair cut and colored. I realize I have forgotten to go to another church meeting tonight but did remember to make some calls earlier to remind others to go. Sometimes I have a hard time with the big social fun meetings at night for the ladies, big groups stress me out and I often feel really lost.

9:00 I get my husband to come out and relax, he trains dogs in the room in downstays while we try to relax and watch New Girl. I realize I have not had enough water today so I drink up and know that this will wake me up a few times during the night to go to the bathroom. But it will keep me from getting sick in the middle of the night. I think about finishing a book I am working on but know that as soon as I pick it up I will fall fast asleep. I take a hot shower, one of my favorite parts of the day, where I think about absolutely nothing and just relax.

10:30 I finish up the last little part of this post, hit publish, hope there aren’t too many errors. We will probably talk about an article on of us had read online and what we thought of it. We will say our couple prayer and I will steal a peak at him while he says his own prayer before bed. I will look at his worried face like I do every night and want the stress to go away, for us to be living in Costa Rica and for him to work less. My mind will start to wander; thinking about how I didn’t get very many things checked off on my to do list, worry about a friend in the neighborhood I hope is ok, think about who I meant to call and reach out to but let it pass–and promise to do it tomorrow. I will hope I don’t have another nightmare like I have been having that wake me up with a start. I will smile when I think about the card my Mom sent me–an old card of Grandma’s she found and know I would love. Then I will think how I miss her. I will think about how I am very lucky to be going through a peaceful content loving part in my marriage (this pregnancy has been nice to me and my emotions–the last one not so much, and things were hard). Tyler and I will tell each other about something really funny that the girls said that day. And then I will most likely hold my husband’s hand, while he watches a show to help him relax and I will fall to sleep. Hopefully before he falls asleep, so I miss the snoring!

Night all! 


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