Abby’s…gulp…8th birthday!

March 27th, 2014 in About Me

I did a bridal shower for my cousins a few months back. For the decor one of the things I did was hang pictures on a clothesline documenting their lives. From their baby photo all the way to their engagement photo. I noticed something after their baptism photo on both lines—time started zooming by. I could see how they turned 8, their parents blinked, and then they were grown women.

Oh manny, I knew this 8 year old birthday was not going to be one of my favorites. Just LOOK at how old she looks:


I got an email earlier that week asking if I wanted to go on the news, show off some crafts, and talk about living in Costa Rica. I asked if I could bring my two oldest, then asked Abby if she wanted to do that on her birthday. She said yes and helped me pick out the activities. We went with showing how to do a Native American Basket game and also Chinese Tangrams. They girls did not get nervous, they got a little quiet when they were actually on though. Such cute girlies. Here is the link to the little segment, click here.


Then we decided to go to the Tumbleweeds Kids Film Festival for her birthday. It was nice to just take the two older girls somewhere. Abby helped pick out the films. We will not miss another year! It was such fun. They had films from all around the world, some subtitled, some didn’t have words. Some of them were all in English. There were films that my two year old would sit through all the way up to some that would interest teens. In the building they had all these free stations set up. My girls got to make their own personalized press passes, tried out new gaming systems, and make flip cartoon books. We stopped for yummy treats, soups, and sandwiches during the day. Abby’s favorite meal is just that; soup, sandwich, and a fancy treat.


For her gifts we of course followed the something pretty, something to wear, something to play with, and something to read tradition. Abby loves to sew and she adores Paris. So the locket, Tshirt, and bracelet were her favorites. Tied with the sewing machine she says.


That night we met up with the rest of the family for dinner. Abby stayed up with us to watch Home Improvement. And also eat cookies and milk out of our traditional breakfast birthday tray.

Such a fun grown up girl day, she loved it. So did I!

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