Abby’s Spa Party

March 21st, 2014 in Parties

Abby has had this party planned in her mind for over 6 months! She wanted a late night, girls night, spa type party.

Our Christmases are not over the top, the Easter bunny doesn’t come to our house, no elves, or traps for leprechauns. But I LOVE to do birthday parties. It is our thing that we love to do together. I don’t know why I feel like I have to start every birthday party post I do with that but…I do.



Abby’s Spa Birthday Party

Abby inherited my problem…not wanting to leave anyone out. We don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, so we invite everyone! Do they have a little sister that could feel left out? Well, invite them too! So even though we swore that 12 would be the max at the party, we ended up with 22. And we realized we forgot two other neighborhood girls after the party. I paid three of our sweet babysitters to come help me during the party, so it turned out fine.

Party Favors:

When the girls came in I gave them their spa masks. These were the cheapest things at the party, just glued a couple pieces of felt together. Martha Stewart has a tutorial here. I made bags for each of the girls that were empty, they had to carry them around during the night to put in the things they made in them.


Spa Stations: When the guests first walked in in I also gave them a name tag that  separated them into groups. I sent half the girls into the other room to make bath bombs, sugar scrubs, and lip glosses. This is what my sweet babysitters helped all the girls do.

Spa Services: So with the other half of the girls (then we switched) I helped them do some spa services. I bought some large plastic tablecloths and put them on the ground so no one would get anything on the carpet. Everyone picked a partner and they painted each other’s toes or fingernails.


While they did that I put their yogurt face mask on. It was just greek yogurt, honey, and a little bit of lavender oil. I put it on them with a basting brush. Then when they were done painting each other’s nails I told them to put on their cucumbers and relax. I normally don’t put pictures of other kids on my blog. But I figured that their faces are covered, so this one is ok!



Games: I had everyone sit in a circle and gave them a wrapped dollar present. They were all spa type items like a lip gloss or nail polish or something like that. Then I would say things like stand up and switch if….you like to write stories or play soccer or have blue eyes or are the oldest or have been to Disneyland. Then after 15-20 questions, they opened their gifts. This was their last party favor that they put in their bags to take home.

The other game I did was quizzes, Abby LOVES these. So I got a quiz book, photocopied it, and hung up the answers to the quizzes on a window in our house. So if there was extra time at the end or in the beginning waiting for people to come…The girls got to do quizzes!


Food: We did an ice cream sundae bar, had mini cupcakes, and just a little cake for Abby. The girls LOVED doing their own ice cream sundaes.


A tradition in our house is to always have the girls’ birthday flowers out. This year I did them on the cake!

Man this girl HAD SO MUCH FUN. One of the things I love about her is how friendly she is. She makes friends wherever she goes, with everyone. And she is a darn good friend too.


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