Boquete, Panama

August 26th, 2010 in About Me, Our Travels Worldwide

Boquete, Panama turned out to be *our* city and I can’t believe we almost didn’t go.

It was an hour and a half away, famous for coffee (we aren’t coffee drinkers) and far from the beach.  So it wasn’t HIGH on our list, but on our last day I thought, “Let’s do it.”  I had been hearing about it on the news and reading in travel magazines about how it is becoming a popular place where Americans move.

(I just want to tell you that during this picture she was peeing her pants.

There is a reason why so many Americans are moving here.  In fact, there are MANY reasons.  And I really want us to go out there for a couple months to try it out soon.

Boquete, Panama is higher up in the mountains and has a volcano too! The humidity is a lot more manageable and the air just feels and smells delicious and sweet. The downtown is bustling, clean, fun and full of things I want to do with the girls. They have wonderful schools (so I hear), lots of things to do with the kids and it just…

It had this FEEL that I can’t explain.  This feel of the beautiful locals, Americans having the time of their lives, wonderful restaurants and cafes, beautiful gardens and waterfalls.  And being only 1 1/2 away from the beach is not too shabby in exchange for having quite a bit less humidity.

I love it.  I love Boquete, Panama.

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