Fall 2013, post 1 of 2

November 3rd, 2013 in About Me

Fall was/is glorious this year! We still have one thing to do, jump in some leaves. I need to borrow a rake, find a park with huge trees, and get to work. The other day someone said that it seems like I do things to check them off a list. And to pose the children in front of my camera so I can fully check it all the way off. I do have a list for certain times of the year in my head. I have a list in my head that are warm memories of the past. I love to re-live them, look forward to them, etc. Doing the same traditions ever year engulf me in warm memories. Of smiling kids, giggles, fun, and family. I don’t care if everyone else around me has the same list, I don’t care if I’m a “sheep” doing what everyone else does. All that matters is that feeling of warmness and accomplishment. Accomplishment that I am building traditions for my girls, that I can give them a warm place to fall and look back at. And because pictures are what always I have enjoyed, yes I will snap some. Because on hard days where I feel like I accomplish nothing and why in the world do I work so hard all day every day. I can scroll back through those pictures and see why. It’s therapeutic for me.

So without further ado, here are my girls placed in the same exact place for pictures as the year before, and the year before that, and so on:

 Gardner Village’s Witches

Cornbellys at Thanksgiving Point

The Princess-land and Corn House have the best memories 🙂

Fall Festivals at Local Farms


Alpine Loop was beautiful this year. We went up a little too early but we did get to see the canyons mixing summer with fall. Beautiful!

Then we went to Cottonwood canyon a little too late, snow was everywhere!

We did see a little yellow tree in the middle of all the “Christmas” trees. We all decided it mirrors our “Let Your Light Shine Theme” from this year.


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