Giveaway #78 Miranda Girl Designs

November 30th, 2009 in Giveaways

I have a weird hang-up with overly big, overly frilly, overly done hair things for my girls. Their grandmother tried to sneak some in during the first part of their lives.  She did!  I just don’t think they look terribly natural or cute.  But once again, this is a weird hang-up of mine.


Nie helped me find this Etsy shop of handmade crocheted accessories.  Now THIS is my style.  I find this beautiful, unique and natural for little girls’ hair. If you are striving for a handmade Christmas but feeling a bit overwhelmed (<—-talking about myself here), Etsy is your answer.  If you are looking for cute stocking stuffers for you or your little girls’ stockings, you need to head on over and check out Miranda Designs!

Miranda in Florida runs Miranda Girl Designs.  She specializes in hand crocheted embellishments to help with your arts and crafts needs. She accepts custom orders and has had 800 sales- all with fantastic feedback.

Want these for YOUR hair?  Well, she sells them for adult sizes too!

Miranda from Miranda Girl Designsis offering 4 HEADBANDS from her shoppe with an embellished flower/star to go on the headbands. In any size- an adult/teenager, a child, toddler or baby sized.

For the chance to win this giveaway YOU MUST:

-Comment on this post ONCE

-In your ONE comment, tell me if you tweeted about the giveaway (5 extra entries)

-In your ONE comment, tell me if you facebooked about the giveaway (10 extra entries)

Good Luck. This giveaway ends Saturday night, Dec 5th, at 9pm!


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