Last Days of Summer

August 26th, 2009 in family

The end of summer is coming.  You know it’s true.  So what are you going to do with your last days?

We went to the beach (yes the beach, Tyler).  Every time anyone said it was the ocean, or the beach, or that it was sand, he had to hurry and correct us.  No, in fact, it was not the “beach.”  It was a man made lake in the middle of Utah.

Pshaw- it was the beach that day, and we went two days in a row.  We made glorious “sand” castles out of cracked concrete from the bottom of the lake.  Watched the kayakers skim across the bright gray water full of…well I just don’t know if it’s full of anything down there.

So, what do you want?  We bought a house two months ago!  A trip to the beach just wasn’t in the numbers!


Wasn’t that the most glamorous summer vacation you have seen in the blogosphere? I think so too.


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