New England 2017 Trip: Amesbury MA

January 3rd, 2019 in Our Travels Worldwide

Between 2002-2006 we lived in Massachusetts during the time when the Red Sox finally won! Along with the Patriots as well, such a fun city with great energy. I found that people were pretty rude in passing, but really genuine, down to earth and REAL when you got to know them a bit. We lived in Amesbury which is a city really close to New Hampshire, so we did some grocery shopping and attended church in NH but then worked in MA. It was a quiet little town, with a pretty downtown, the best pizza shop in all the lands, a pretty lake, and close to cool harbor towns. I spent a lot of time alone there with Honey & Rocco because Tyler traveled tons. It was really my first time on my own, I grew a lot.

So I took my girls to where we lived, which was on one floor in an old house. The lady who was our landlord and lived there was a big druggie and could not keep the power or gas on. She also fell asleep in the tub so it overflowed onto our floor and soaked all our stuff. Then the water damage led to a bug infestation. Craziness, but still awesome feelings of home.

Photo Jul 28, 12 41 29 PM (1)

Photo Jul 28, 12 41 49 PM (1)

I took the girls to where Tyler and I would go when we had a little bit of money for cheese sticks and pizza. We STILL claim this place to be the very best. While we were eating there my brother Bryan was being silly and took an entire huge slice of pepperoni pizza and shoved it in his mouth in one move and swallowed it. I catch the girls ALL THE TIME retelling this stories to their friends. Also they add in how JB CRUSHED A SODA CAN AND THREW IT INTO THE GARBAGE CAN FROM FAR AWAY! Haha I am glad they have good memories from that place as well.

Photo Jul 28, 1 26 22 PM

Our little trip to Amesbury was perfect. We even met up for ice cream with a woman from our old ward that we drove to church each week with her little girl. Her little girl is almost 18 now and it was fun to visit Newburyport and her as well.

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