Paper Mache Pumpkins

October 27th, 2009 in Crafts

We have some sick kiddos at my house so I don’t think any new Halloween crafts are happening this week! We did, however, hang this craft from last year up in our new home. It was such a fun project to do together and it looks great on display in the big front window of our new home! Enjoy!

P.S. Have you entered my Leap Frog Giveaway? If not, you need to.  It will make Santa’s job MUCH easier this year.

Paper Mache Pumpkins

This was a super messy, super fun and SUPER SPOOKY Halloween craft! I hope to keep this nice so that I can use it every year.  That probably means I won’t be brave enough to hang these above our front door. Instead, that’s what the 15 dollar Target pumpkin lights are for .:)

First, we did some paper mache on leftover balloons from birthdays and hung them to dry.

We painted them orange and put a hole in the top of each one.

Then, we used black streamers to make the faces.  Next, we covered them in Mod Podge Sparkly Glue.

After that, we inserted pipe cleaners.

We put a light in the top of each and wound the pipe cleaners into place for them to hang.

Pretend that there is no white gunk and that they are just shiny and sparkly! —We couldn’t wait till they were dry to hang them—


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