Saturday: Shop!—Handmade Christmas Project #6

November 21st, 2008 in Saturday: Shopping!, Crafts

Grandfathers are hard to shop for, hopefully this will be a hit if not there is always next year! I framed a nature print of the girls, decorated it with pine cones and personalized it with help from Sour Gorilla.

Holiday Issue

I saw this idea in Martha Stewart’s special issue Holiday–Have Yourself a Handmade Christmas which by the way was the best 7.95 I have ever spent, even if you don’t plan on using it this year BUY it, so many fantastic ideas.

We have been gathering pine cones to fill up our nature bowl for a few months, we even brought some home from California with us.

I found these frames at the local craft store, grabbed my glue gun, scissors and pine cones. This was my simple design:

Then I had my aunt, owner of Sour Gorilla (your premiere shop for your vinyl needs and the cheapest place to get Melissa and Doug Puzzles) help me with printing out and attaching the word Grandaughters (which I hope is acceptable and not a huge typo!).

Such an easy handmade gift to do! I completed it while my girls were eating breakfast and lunch, worked great!


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