Smile, Oprah Said

November 10th, 2009 in Parenting Tips

I watched Oprah back in the day.  Did you? Then I had kids…do you watch TV anymore?  I don’t. And to be able to sit down at 4pm during the day to watch an hour show? Really…how does that happen with anyone? Isn’t that a crazy time with you too? Well back in the day when I was a nanny, the mom of the kids and I would go downstairs to let the kiddos play and watch Oprah whenever we had a tough day.

Best parenting advice ever (and I actually really dislike ANY advice):

Smile when your kids walk into the room.

I am not saying I beam every time they walk into the room, but I try. And when they wake up first thing in the morning or from their nap, this is what I look like.  They could not feel any more special. I bang open the door, sing a song, attack them with kisses or do a little jig.

Smile more at your kids.

They aren’t that bad 😉

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