Snowball Surprise Cookies

December 1st, 2009 in recipes

It snowed for the first time a couple of weeks ago here in Utah and we celebrated the arrival by making Snowball Surprise Cookies.


I have had this cookbook since I was a little girl.  The Eggnog has nothing to do with the recipe-I just wanted you all to know this is the best Eggnog I have had in my life and it’s organic….awesome-ness.

Back to the cookies.  These are really quite simple to make and my girls love putting “surprises” inside, rolling them around in the powdered sugar and eating them with a cup of hot cocoa after playing outside in the snow.



3/4 organic unsalted butter

1/2 cup organic sugar

1/4 tsp salt

1 organic egg

1/2 tsp vanilla

1 3/4 cup organic flour


3/4 cup of powdered sugar


1. Preheat oven to 350.

2. In a mixing bowl beat butter till soft, add sugar and salt and beat until fluffy.

3. Add egg and vanilla, mix well.

4. With mixer on low add flour gradually.

5. Shape dough into balls, press thumb in to place the candy in.

6. Place the “surprise” in the indentation- the candy or marshmallows or raisins.

7. Shape back into a ball.

8. Roll in powdered sugar.

9. Bake in 350 oven for 10-12 mins or until edges are golden.

10. Cool and eat to celebrate the snow!


If you already missed making these for the first snowfall near you, be sure to make them next time.  The kiddos sure have fun with these and they taste pretty good too 😉

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