Super Saturday Craft Ideas

November 2nd, 2011 in About Me

I survived doing our ward’s Super Saturday a couple of weeks ago.

Also, I got released on Sunday.


Here is the thing. This calling was fun, but it also made me cry at times. It maybe made me snap at my kids a bit more on the 2nd Tuesday of each moth. The good thing was it did help me to love the sisters in my ward, but most importantly, it gave me a testimony of Relief Society. Which I needed. Relief Society is oragnized in a very inspired way. You learn from each other during activities, church lessons and visiting teaching. Then you serve one another by helping out with the compassionate service committe. And you get to know each other through activities.

About a year and a half ago, we had a woman in our ward go through a very hard time. I still remember a few of us talking to each other trying to brainstorm what we could do to help her. And one of us said…”You know, I just wish I KNEW HER, so I could help her.”

Of course you can serve those you don’t know. But doesn’t it seem genuine and more personal and loving when you FIRST have taken the time to get to know the person you are serving? Relief Society activities are good for many things, but I think most importantly they are good for getting to know the sisters in your ward to learn from them, serve them and love them.

And that is my plug for attending Relief Society activities.

But this post was about my 2nd Super Saturday (or in our ward — “Tuscany Ward Retreats”). I did the same thing as last year: projects, classes and a potluck lunch. If you are looking for ideas, check out my brochure for this year:

And the brochure from last year: LDS Super Saturday

And also, all the activities I put on during my time in this calling: Relief Society Activity Ideas

Most importantly, the company that I highly suggest for buying your craft supplies:

PoppySeed Projects

Now I am in Primary, as the 1st counselor.  I’m thrilled to now attend all the baptisms in our ward & all the other things that go along with that calling. But I tell ya what: I will be sure to attend Relief Society activities and ALWAYS PUT MY NAME DOWN ON THE SIGN-UP SHEET TO HELP. *Ahem* That is always good to do, to keep the Relief Society Activity Coordinator in your ward sane. Ha!



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