Tuesday: Weekly Book Review—The Daring Book for Girls by Andrea J. Buchanan and Miriam Peskowitz

I know, everyone has done a post on this book and it is a little old news. But wait! My review has a little different take. I am all into books, toys, games, clothes that will grow with my children. Things that I will get a really good use out of for years and hopefully their whole childhood. I knew I wanted to get this book, that it would be so much fun when my girls were a little older. I skimmed through it at the store to see if there was anything I could use with them now in their toddler/pre-school age years, and there were surprisingly quite a few and ended up buying it.


So here are a list of things I can use with my younger girls:
-Fourteen Games of Tag

-Pressing Flowers

-Hopscotch, Tetherball, and Jump rope (complete with pictures, rules and all the rhymes you forgot from elementary school)

-Five Karate Moves

-Friendship Bracelets (complete with the history of where it started from)
-Instructions on Making a Cloth Covered Book

-Instructions on Making a Sit-Upon (and I cannot believe I had forgotten about these!)

-Instructions on How to Make the “Coolest Paper Airplane Ever”
-Instructions on Making Daisy Chains and Ivy Crowns

-Instructions on having a successful Lemonade Stand

-Instructions on making Peach Pit Rings

-Hand Clap Games

-Paper Flowers and Capillary Action

-Cootie Catchers (Origami Fortune Tellers)

-Instructions on Jacks (which we will be starting very soon)

 I love this book, it has such great history and examples of strong heroic smart women. This is a must have to your child’s library, a book they will use from 2 to their college years that hopefully they can pass along to their daughters.

You can purchase it here:

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