Visiting a Dairy

This was one big thing I wanted to do this summer: visit a dairy with the girls. I tried and tried to find a place near me that would let us in but with no luck.  When I went to go visit my sister this past weekend up in Logan, I saw that Rockhill Creamery (the brand of cheese we adore and that they sell at Utah Farmers Markets) does self guided tours on Saturdays.


Rockhill Creamery is up in Richmond, Utah and is a “micro-dairy.”  They have six cows that they just ADORE. They are so well taken care of.  The staff has given them names and can tell you all about their fun personalities. The place where the cows eat, play, work and sleep is clean and the cows are lovingly taken care of.

We were treated to a real surprise when we went up there and learned they had THREE new baby calves, one that was 3 weeks old, one that was 1 week old and the last was born just the night before.

The girls pet, fed and loved on those baby calves.  Boy, did it feel good to show them HOW animals that we use for food should be treated.  And boy, does it feel good to see my girls already know that it is important and to see their relationship with WHERE their food comes from growing and growing.

P.S. If you have not had this cheese, YOU NEED TO. Great local company.


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